Middle School, Secondary/GSCE, Sixth Form/A Levels
Gcse Prep
IB / AP Prep
Sat/Emsat Prep
I completed my bachelor's from NIT Srinagar in engineering and completed my MS in mathematics from university of kashmir and presently I am preparing to apply for doctorate in mathematics. I love mathematics right from my childhood because I see mathematics is the vital part of human civilization and has a big role in the development and influence of every field and sphere of human civilization. I love working with students because I want to share my knowledge, and vision of mathematics to younger generation and I have presently more than six years of teaching experience in mathematics. My teaching strategy is that the topic or lesson I have to teach in the class, I do not directly deliver the topic in the class but I first give some examples so as give the clear vision of the topic or lesson which I have to teach in the class. After that I ask thought provoking and open-ended questions to the students so as to ensure whether they have got clear concept and vision of the topic through those examples. After that when I get assured that they understood the topic, then I explain the topic which I have to teach in the class and show them what problems can we solve and how can we solve them using the concepts of the topic or lesson. And at last give some problems to the students to work on them. Apart from teaching, I love to read new researches and books on mathematics and love to solve new challenging problems on mathematics. Also I love to play cricket right from my childhood and is favorite game.
Math teacher
Tutor. Com 01 Jan 2023 - Present -
Math teacher
Numerade 01 Feb 2021 - 01 Dec 2022 -
Math teacher
Rise 01 Mar 2017 - 01 Nov 2020
MSc in mathematics
University of kashmir 01 Mar 2021 - 01 Aug 2023 -
B. Tech
National Institute of Technology Srinagar 01 Aug 2012 - 01 Jul 2016

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