Happy Parents & Tutors

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Are you or your child struggling to keep up with schoolwork?

  • Your one-stop educational support hub
  • Access qualified tutors in every subject, all in one place
  • TeachME Academy - helping youth build life skills
  • Parents pay tutors directly - no hidden fees!
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Smiling student holding a purple book

Our Tutors Speak

We have teachers who can speak different languages

Explore by curriculum

Every tutor has its own subject specialization


Get Started In 3 Simple Steps


Step 1: Choose Your Subscription

Select your yearly subscription based on your role. Are you a parent/student or a tutor?


Step 2: Create Your Account

Enter your details and complete your payment for instant access.


Step 3: Enjoy Our Community

Tutors, complete your profiles with all necessary details. Parents, you can now access our tutor portal, career advice, and university application coaching.

Why TeachME

search for qualified tutors, find your match, and start learning

Teacher teaching student from a book

Filter tutors by subject, curriculum, language and location

Its simple and easy. You're just one click away from finding the best tutors.

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Students studying together

Supporting the SEN community

TeachME makes supporting kids with learning challenges a priority. Search our database for qualified SEN tutors and Shadow Teachers.

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Students raising hands to answer teacher's question

One-time payment with no hidden fees

For a one time yearly payment you will have access to tutors and students at your fingertips. We cut out the middle man by eliminating all hidden costs and there is no commission fees. Keeping the cost low for our students!

How it works ›
Two students smiling with a book open

Find the best tutor,
who can teach you

TeachME platform strives to provide a comprehensive database of tutors that cover a variety of subjects, languages, test preps and all major curriculums taught in the UAE. The TeachME team requires every tutor that joins the platform to submit either their degree or teaching certificate as part of our quality assurance. Ratings and Reviews from fellow users help to make an informed decision. Start now to support your child's education journey and set them on the path to success

Find Tutors
A student and teacher smiling with a book open

Find students to teach

Tutors are able to showcase their experience and expertise on the TeachME platform. For a one time payment you can advertise your services, upload a video introducing yourself, and provide key details like subjects taught, curriculum, educational background, languages spoken and areas of service. We take no commission or add any hidden fees. What you make is all yours! Parents will contact tutors directly and pay tutors directly. Sign up today

Become a Tutor

What Our Clients Say About Us


Join as a tutor and access our community of parents, or join as a parent or student and access our tutor portal, career advice and university application coaching

For Tutor


  • Get noticed by parents & students looking for a tutor
  • Get exposure through our dedicated marketing
  • Earn extra income
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For Student


  • 1 subscription for the whole family for the year
  • Search for the best tutor, filter by subject, curriculum and expertise
  • Get personalised career advice & university application coaching
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Start learning today with TeachMe

The best platform to connect tutors with students

Five students smiling

Start Learning

Sign up now with a one-time yearly subscription
that gives you access to

  • Tutors across multiple subjects of expertise
  • Test prep by curriculum
  • SEN support
  • Instruction in languages your child understands
Get Started